On arrival, your designated pest control expert will discuss any specific concerns you have and seek to understand if you have seen physical evidence of pests already.
Following this, our Brisbane pest control experts will conduct a thorough visual examination of both the interior and exterior of your property. This will include areas such as:
- The roof space.
- Crawl spaces and underneath decks.
- Skirting boards, walls, windows and door frames.
- Inside all cupboards and wardrobes.
- Exterior walls and eaves.
- Foundations, garages and sheds.
- Surrounding yard and property.
Special attention will be given to areas such as kitchens, bathrooms and laundries. This is due to pests such as subterranean termites often using the spaces created by plumbing in the foundations to access the structure above. They may make their way into your home completely unnoticed through these access points.
While inspecting these areas our experts are looking for obvious signs of pests, this may not always be the actual pests themselves. Droppings, broken wings, mud tubes, and damaged wood can all be indicators of pest problems.